I come to work feeling proud of our clinic and our staff. What are Employees Saying Working in the pain clinic and procedure unit allows me to have a rewarding experience caring for patients. “It is big for us to try and level up for our community and our baseball team so it has been big knowing that we can do something that has never happened before. Shifts: Day shift Monday through Friday with 8 hour, 10 hour and 12 hour shifts. MidMichigan Health is a hospital and health care company that offers both home health care and physician services. “It is always like ‘Oh they are just Fowler and they are going to lose in districts or pre-regionals are something like that.’ Evan Curtiss, a pitcher and infielder for Fowler said. 3.1 Culture Sort by Helpfulness Rating Date Language Showing all 237 reviews patient health hospital nurse care department organization staff Meh RN (Former Employee) - Alpena, MI - Indeed Featured review Decent pay and 401k. “We knew it wasn’t the performance that we wanted on that stage and we’ve gotten our main nucleolus back for this year and that is one of their top goals is to make history here in Fowler.” “It left a sour taste in our mouth,” Glenn Pung, Fowler’s Baseball Coach said. Glenn Preston, M.D., Ph.D., a board-certified medical oncologist, has joined the comprehensive cancer care team at MyMichigan Health. Now the Eagles came close to accomplishing that goal last season but ultimately fell to Beal City in the regional title game and that loss has been all the motivation that this group has needed.

(WLNS) – On Saturday, Fowler’s baseball team hoisted the District 111 trophy above their heads and it didn’t take long for them to quickly soak that win in and then shift their mindset towards their next goal, winning the program’s first-ever regional title.

This increase is a testament to our initiative to support our employees.FOWLER, Mich. " It’s critical they are supported and valued in every way possible. Hours: Full-Time with Benefits Shift: Night Shift Location: MyMichigan Health Med Rehab, Alma, MI What MyMichigan offers a Graduate Nurse (RN): New competitive wages in 2022 Generous incentive pay for weekend shifts Alternating weekends or holidays. “Every one of our employees plays a vital role in our health system and the care they give our patients," Postler-Slattery said. Its more than 8, 800 employees, volunteers, health care providers and other personnel work together to create healthy communities through solutions designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the 938, 000 residents in the health system’s 23-county service area. Some examples of the positions affected by this increase include housekeeper, phlebotomist, dining and catering aide, patient care technician, patient services assistant and medical assistant. The federal minimum wage remains at $7.25. In Michigan, the state minimum wage is $9.45.

“Even more, it is our responsibility to provide competitive, market-based pay to ensure that we recruit and retain the best employees that will provide high quality care and services to our patients and their families.” “As the largest employer in nearly every county we serve, we are dedicated to ensuring we are an excellent place to work,” said Diane Postler-Slattery, president and CEO, MidMichigan Health. Shift and schedule Location Company Posted by Experience level Education Upload your resume - Let employers find you Midmichigan Health 30,000 jobs in Bay City, MI Sort by: relevance - date 58 jobs Medical Assistant MyMichigan Health 3.3 Bay City, MI 48706 Estimated 34.9K - 44.

The health system was recently named the top employer in Midland County and also serves as the largest employer in Alpena, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot and Ogemaw counties. ShiftSelect brings great value to your management team as well as your staff. Nursing Careers - MidMichigan Health Home > Nursing Careers Nursing Careers at MyMichigan Our nurses have an exciting variety of career paths to choose from, across the full spectrum of direct patient care roles and including non-traditional roles such as education, quality, informatics, and more. A nonprofit health system, headquartered in Midland and affiliated with Michigan Medicine, the health care division of the University of Michigan, MidMichigan Health covers a 23-county region with medical centers in Midland, Alpena, Alma, Clare, Gladwin, Mount Pleasant and West Branch.